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Prince of the Sea Manaphy (JP 10th Movie Commemoration Set) - Holofoil


Item Details

Finish: Holofoil
Rarity: Promo
Card Type: Water
HP: 70
Stage: Basic
Card Text: This promotional card was printed in Japanese only.``
Attack 1: [W] Aqua Ring (20)
Switch Prince of the Sea Manaphy with 1 of your Benched Pokémon.
Attack 2: [1W] Heart Swap
Choose 1 of your opponent's Benched Pokémon. Switch all damage counters on that Pokémon with those on your opponent's Active Pokémon. (If an effect of this attack is prevented, this attack does nothing.)
Retreat Cost: 1
Weakness: L+20


NM/Mint: Out of Stock - $0.00