Magic Stronghold Games and Accessories
Deck Exclusives
Absol (#097/189) - $0.25 - Out of StockAbsol - 67/116 (Moltres Legendary Battle Deck, #067/116) - $2 - Out of StockAccelgor - 12/101 (Cracked Ice Holo, #012/101) - Holofoil - $1.5 - Out of StockAdaman (#135/189) - $0.75 - Out of StockAegislash (Non-Holo, #134/182) - $0.25 - Out of StockAlolan Exeggutor - 2/131 (SM Forbidden Light, #002/131) - Holofoil - $1 - Out of StockAlolan Ninetales - 28/147 (Cracked Ice Holo, #028/147) - Holofoil - $2 - Out of StockAlolan Raichu - 31/111 (SM Crimson Invasion, #031/111) - $0.5 - Out of StockAmpharos - 1/132 (DP Secret Wonders, #001/132) - $1.5 - Out of StockAmpharos - 40/114 (XY Steam Siege, #040/114) - $0.5 - Out of StockAmpharos - 78/214 (SM Lost Thunder, #078/214) - $0.25 - Out of StockAnnihilape (#109/198) - Out of StockArboliva (#023/198) - Out of StockArcanine - 1/123 (HeartGold & SoulSilver, #001/123) - $11 - Out of StockArcanine G - 15/147 (#015/147) - Holofoil - $4 - Out of StockArcheops (#147/195) - $0.25 - Out of StockAromatisse - 93/146 (XY Base Set, #093/146) - $1 - 1 In StockArticuno - 16/108 (XY Roaring Skies, #016/108) - Holofoil - $4 - Out of StockAzumarill - 1/109 (EX Team Rocket Returns, #001/109) - $2.5 - Out of StockBastiodon - 21/123 (DP Mysterious Treasures, #021/123) - Holofoil - $1 - 1 In StockBaxcalibur (#060/193) - $0.25 - Out of StockBellossom - 1/90 (HGSS Undaunted, #001/090) - $1 - Out of StockBewear - 56/111 (Prerelease Kit Exclusive, #056/111) - $1 - 1 In StockBibarel (#121/172) - $1 - Out of StockBlack Kyurem (BW Boundaries Crossed, #100/149) - Holofoil - Out of StockBlastoise - 14/100 (EX Crystal Guardians, #014/100) - Holofoil - $13 - 3 In StockBlastoise - 16/101 (BW Plasma Blast, #016/101) - Out of StockBlastoise - 25/181 (Cracked Ice Holo, #025/181) - Holofoil - $12 - Out of StockBlastoise - 31/149 (BW Boundaries Crossed, #031/149) - $3.5 - Out of StockBlaziken - 1/106 (EX Emerald, #001/106) - Out of StockBlaziken - 6/70 (Dragon Majesty, #006/070) - Out of StockBlissey - 82/108 (Battle Arena Deck Exclusive, #082/108) - Out of StockBoltund (#076/202) - Out of StockBoss's Orders (#058/072) - Holofoil - $3 - Out of StockBoss's Orders (#132/172) - $0.25 - 3 In StockBoss's Orders (#154/192) - $0.5 - Out of StockBoss's Orders (#172/193) - $1 - 1 In StockCamerupt - 4/107 (EX Deoxys, #004/107) - $1 - Out of StockCarbink - 68/106 (#068/106) - $1 - Out of StockChandelure - 16/116 (BW Plasma Freeze, #016/116) - $0.5 - Out of StockChandelure - 20/99 (#020/099) - Out of StockCharizard - 14/181 (SM Team Up, #014/181) - Holofoil - $14 - 3 In StockCharizard - 25/185 (Cracked Ice Holo, #025/185) - Holofoil - $5 - Out of StockCharizard - 3/110 (WotC Legendary Collection, #003/110) - Out of StockCharizard - 3/70 (Let's Play, Eevee!, #003/070) - $3 - Out of StockCherrim (#008/163) - $0.75 - Out of StockChi-Yu (Non-Holo, #029/182) - $0.25 - Out of StockCinderace (#028/198) - $0.25 - 12 In StockCinderace (Cracked Ice Holo, #036/202) - Holofoil - $1 - Out of StockCinderace (Non-Holo, #034/202) - Out of StockCobalion (#114/198) - Out of StockCobalion - 84/101 (Battle Arena Deck Exclusive, #084/101) - Out of StockCofagrigus - 52/108 (Cracked Ice Holo, #052/108) - Holofoil - $4 - Out of StockCresselia (#064/198) - Out of StockCresselia (#074/196) - Out of StockCrobat (#091/163) - $0.5 - Out of StockCrobat - 56/149 (Prerelease Kit Exclusive, #056/149) - Out of StockCyclizar (#164/198) - Out of StockDark Blastoise - 4/110 (WotC Legendary Collection, #004/110) - $12 - Out of StockDark Dragonite - 15/109 (EX Team Rocket Returns, #015/109) - Holofoil - $100 - Out of StockDark Marowak - 7/109 (EX Team Rocket Returns, #007/109) - Out of StockDark Raichu - 7/110 (WotC Legendary Collection, #007/110) - $10 - Out of StockDark Tyranitar - 20/109 (EX Team Rocket Returns, #020/109) - Holofoil - $35 - Out of StockDarkness Energy (2013 Unnumbered) - Out of StockDarkness Energy (2013 Unnumbered) - Holofoil - $1 - 14 In StockDarkness Energy (Special) (No E-Reader, #93/109) - Out of StockDarkrai (#105/189) - Out of StockDecidueye (Cracked Ice Holo, #011/149) - Holofoil - $0.5 - Out of StockDelcatty (SM Celestial Storm, #121/168) - Out of StockDelcatty - 8/108 (EX Power Keepers, #008/108) - Out of StockDelphox - 13/124 (XY Fates Collide, #013/124) - Out of StockDelphox - 26/146 (XY Base Set, #026/146) - Out of StockDeoxys (#120/264) - $0.25 - Out of StockDeoxys - 16/107 (EX Deoxys, #016/107) - Holofoil - $12 - Out of StockDhelmise - 59/145 (SM Guardians Rising, #059/145) - Out of StockDialga (#121/185) - $0.25 - Out of StockDialga - 16/106 (Cosmos Holo, #016/106) - Holofoil - Out of StockDondozo (#061/198) - Out of StockDragapult (#091/192) - $1 - Out of StockDragapult (#130/264) - $0.25 - 10 In StockDragonite (Cracked Ice Holo, #151/236) - Holofoil - $12 - 1 In StockDragonite - 52/108 (XY Roaring Skies, #052/108) - Out of StockDrednaw - 39/185 (Cracked Ice Holo, #039/185) - Holofoil - $1.5 - Out of StockDruddigon - 70/106 (Flashfire, #070/106) - Out of StockDruddigon - 94/135 (BW Plasma Storm, #094/135) - Holofoil - $1.5 - Out of StockDugtrio - 5/100 (EX Crystal Guardians, #005/100) - Out of StockDuraludon (SWSH Rebel Clash, #138/192) - Out of StockDusclops - 14/108 (EX Power Keepers, #014/108) - Holofoil - $2 - Out of StockDusknoir - 53/147 (SM Burning Shadows, #053/147) - Out of StockDusknoir - 85/236 (Prerelease Kit Exclusive, #085/236) - $0.5 - Out of StockEelektross - 41/101 (Noble Victories, #041/101) - Out of StockEelektross - 66/236 (#066/236) - Out of StockEevee (Let's Play, Eevee!, Cracked Ice Holo) (#155/214) - Holofoil - $3 - Out of StockEldegoss (#016/203) - $0.75 - Out of StockElectivire - 25/132 (DP Secret Wonders, #025/132) - Holofoil - $3 - 2 In StockElectivire - 54/149 (BW Boundaries Crossed, #054/149) - Out of StockElectrode - 33/116 (BW Plasma Freeze, #033/116) - $0.25 - Out of StockEmboar - 19/114 (#019/114) - Out of StockEmboar - 19/114 (Cracked Ice Holo, #019/114) - Holofoil - Out of StockEmboar - 27/113 (Legendary Treasures, #027/113) - Out of StockEmpoleon - 29/108 (Battle Arena Deck Exclusive, #029/108) - Out of StockEmpoleon - 34/156 (Cracked Ice Holo, #034/156) - Holofoil - $1.5 - Out of StockEmpoleon - 38/162 (Battle Arena Deck Exclusive, #038/162) - Out of StockEntei - 47/214 (SM Lost Thunder, #047/214) - Holofoil - $8 - Out of StockErika's Hospitality (SM Team Up, #140/181) - $0.25 - 23 In StockEscavalier - 80/101 (Cracked Ice Holo, #080/101) - Holofoil - $1.5 - Out of StockEspathra (Non-Holo, #081/182) - $0.25 - Out of StockEspeon - 2/90 (HGSS Undaunted - Cracked Ice Holo, #002/090) - Holofoil - Out of StockEspeon - 2/90 (HGSS Undaunted, #002/090) - Out of StockFairy Energy (2013 Unnumbered) - Out of StockFairy Energy (2013 Unnumbered) - Holofoil - $0.75 - 3 In StockFeraligatr (#041/162) - Out of StockFeraligatr (#4/115) - Out of StockFeraligatr - 17/119 (XY Phantom Forces, #017/119) - Out of StockFeraligatr - 20/123 (Cosmos Holo, #020/123) - Holofoil - Out of StockFeraligatr - 20/123 (Cracked Ice Holo, #020/123) - Holofoil - $7 - 2 In StockFezandipiti (#096/167) - Out of StockFighting Energy (2013 Unnumbered) - Out of StockFighting Energy (2013 Unnumbered) - Holofoil - $2.5 - 5 In StockFire Energy (2013 Unnumbered) - Out of StockFire Energy (2013 Unnumbered) - Holofoil - $1 - 13 In StockFlutter Mane (#078/162) - Out of StockFlygon - 15/97 (#015/097) - Holofoil - Out of StockFlygon - 5/111 (DPPt Rising Rivals, #005/111) - Out of StockForest Seal Stone (#156/195) - $5 - 2 In StockFroslass (#053/167) - $0.25 - 23 In StockFroslass - 38/236 (SM Unified Minds, #038/236) - $0.25 - 3 In StockFrosmoth (Non-Holo, #064/202) - $0.5 - Out of StockGalarian Articuno (#063/203) - $0.35 - Out of StockGalarian Darmanitan - 44/189 (Cracked Ice Holo, #044/189) - Holofoil - $6 - Out of StockGalarian Obstagoon (#119/202) - $0.5 - Out of StockGalarian Perrserker (SWSH Base Set, #128/202) - Out of StockGalarian Sirfetch'd - 95/192 (#095/192) - $0.25 - Out of StockGalarian Sirfetch'd - 98/189 (Cracked Ice holo, #098/189) - Holofoil - $4 - Out of StockGallade E4 - 20/111 (DPPt Rising Rivals, #020/111) - Holofoil - $3 - Out of StockGalvantula - 27/119 (XY Phantom Forces, #027/119) - Holofoil - $2 - Out of StockGarchomp (SM Unified Minds, #114/236) - Out of StockGarchomp - 5/147 (Cracked Ice Holo, #005/147) - Holofoil - Out of StockGarchomp - 91/124 (Cracked Ice Holo, #091/124) - Holofoil - $4 - Out of StockGarchomp - 99/156 (Cracked Ice Holo, #099/156) - Holofoil - $1.5 - Out of StockGardevoir (#061/198) - $0.75 - 9 In StockGardevoir - 8/127 (DPPt Platinum, #008/127) - $4 - Out of StockGardevoir - 9/108 (EX Power Keepers, #009/108) - $3 - Out of StockGenesect - 10/101 (BW Plasma Blast, #010/101) - Holofoil - $1.5 - 1 In StockGengar (#066/196) - $0.5 - Out of StockGengar - 38/111 (Prerelease Kit Exclusive, #038/111) - $2 - Out of StockGengar - 60/162 (XY BREAKthrough, #060/162) - $4 - Out of StockGhetsis (BW Plasma Freeze, #101/116) - $0.5 - Out of StockGiratina - 62/135 (BW Plasma Storm, #062/135) - Holofoil - $8 - Out of StockGiratina - 97/214 (#097/214) - $3 - Out of StockGiratina Lv. 70 - 28/127 (DPPt Platinum, #028/127) - Holofoil - $3 - Out of StockGlaceon - 20/100 (DP Majestic Dawn, #020/100) - Holofoil - $13 - Out of StockGlaceon - 23/116 (BW Plasma Freeze, #023/116) - Holofoil - Out of StockGliscor - 5/146 (DP Legends Awakened, #005/146) - Out of StockGolisopod (Non-Holo, #049/182) - Out of StockGolurk - 46/101 (BW Plasma Blast, #046/101) - Out of StockGolurk - 59/124 (EX Dragons Exalted, #059/124) - Out of StockGrass Energy (2013 Unnumbered) - Out of StockGrass Energy (2013 Unnumbered) - Holofoil - $2.5 - Out of StockGrass Energy (EX Hidden Legends, #104/109) - Out of StockGrass Energy (No E-Reader, #104/109) - Out of StockGreninja - 40/122 (XY BREAKpoint, #040/122) - Holofoil - $2.5 - Out of StockGreninja V (Non-Holo, #073/264) - Out of StockGrimmsnarl (#125/192) - Out of StockGroudon (Cracked Ice Holo, #113/236) - Holofoil - $2 - Out of StockGroudon - 6/95 (Call of Legends, #006/095) - Out of StockGroudon - 84/160 (XY Primal Clash, #084/160) - Holofoil - $2 - Out of StockGyarados - 19/100 (DP Stormfront, #019/100) - Holofoil - $26 - Out of StockGyarados 21/98 (#021/098) - $5 - Out of StockHatterene (#073/198) - Out of StockHeatran - 30/146 (DP Legends Awakened, #030/146) - Holofoil - Out of StockHeatran - 88/156 (Prerelease Kit Exclusive, #088/156) - Out of StockHeliolisk - 30/119 (XY Phantom Forces, #030/119) - Out of StockHeliolisk - 37/106 (XY Flashfire, #037/106) - Holofoil - $0.75 - 1 In StockHisuian Arcanine (#084/196) - Out of StockHisuian Growlithe (Cosmos Holo, #070/189) - Holofoil - $0.35 - Out of StockHisuian Samurott (#100/189) - Out of StockHisuian Sneasel (Cosmos Holo, #092/189) - Holofoil - $0.25 - 3 In StockHisuian Voltorb (Cosmos Holo, #002/189) - Holofoil - $0.25 - 2 In StockHitmonchan - 62/108 (XY Evolutions, #062/108) - Out of StockHitmontop - 8/95 (Call of Legends, #008/095) - Out of StockHo-Oh - 27/115 (Cosmos Holo, #027/115) - Holofoil - Out of StockHoopa (SM Unified Minds, #140/236) - Out of StockHoopa - 51/114 (XY Steam Siege, #051/114) - Holofoil - Out of StockHoundoom (#096/163) - $1 - Out of StockHydreigon - 62/111 (Cracked Ice Holo, #062/111) - Holofoil - $2.5 - Out of StockHydreigon - 98/124 (Cracked Ice Holo, #098/124) - Holofoil - Out of StockIncineroar (Cracked Ice Holo, #026/149) - Holofoil - $1.5 - Out of StockIndeedee (#056/072) - Out of StockInfernape (#026/172) - $0.5 - Out of StockInfernape (#033/167) - Out of StockInfernape - 17/135 (BW Plasma Storm, #017/135) - $1 - Out of StockInteleon (#043/198) - $0.5 - Out of StockInteleon (#058/202) - $1 - 2 In StockInteleon (Cracked Ice Holo, #059/202) - Holofoil - $2.5 - Out of StockIrida (#147/189) - $1 - Out of StockIron Moth (Non-Holo, #028/182) - Out of StockIron Thorns (#062/162) - $0.25 - Out of StockJirachi - 99/181 (#099/181) - $0.25 - Out of StockKangaskhan (#133/189) - Out of StockKangaskhan - 99/149 (SM Base Set, #099/149) - Out of StockKeldeo (#045/189) - Out of StockKingdra (#037/196) - Out of StockKingdra - 31/147 (SM Burning Shadows, #031/147) - Out of StockKlinklang - 73/114 (XY Steam Siege, #073/114) - Out of StockKommo-o - 77/111 (Cracked Ice Holo, #077/111) - Holofoil - Out of StockKoraidon (#119/162) - Out of StockKoraidon (#124/198) - Out of StockKrookodile - 62/98 (BW Emerging Powers, #062/098) - Holofoil - $1.25 - Out of StockKrookodile - 66/108 (#066/108) - Out of StockKyogre - 53/160 (Cracked Ice Holo, #053/160) - Holofoil - $2 - 1 In StockKyogre - 53/236 (Cracked Ice Holo, #053/236) - Holofoil - $2.5 - Out of StockKyurem - 31/116 (#031/116) - Out of StockKyurem 43/113 (BW Legendary Treasures, #043/113) - Out of StockLady Outing (No E-Reader, #83/109) - Out of StockLandorus - 58/111 (#058/111) - $2 - Out of StockLatias - 21/110 (#021/110) - Holofoil - $10 - Out of StockLatios - 22/110 (Holo, #022/110) - Holofoil - Out of StockLeafeon - 11/116 (BW Plasma Freeze, #011/116) - Holofoil - $6 - Out of StockLeafeon - 24/100 (DP Majestic Dawn, #024/100) - Holofoil - $20 - 1 In StockLeavanny - 3/101 (BW Noble Victories, #003/101) - Out of StockLechonk (Holo, #154/198) - Holofoil - Out of StockLeon (#154/185) - $0.25 - 16 In StockLightning Energy (2013 Unnumbered) - Out of StockLightning Energy (2013 Unnumbered) - Holofoil - $1 - 5 In StockLightning Energy (2017 Unnumbered, Wave Foil) - Reverse Holofoil - $5 - Out of StockLightning Energy (No E-Reader, #109/109) - Out of StockLightning Energy (Ruby & Sapphire) - Out of StockLokix (#021/193) - Out of StockLokix (#122/182) - Out of StockLucario (#079/172) - $0.25 - Out of StockLucario (SM - Burning Shadows, #71) - Out of StockLucario (SM Unbroken Bonds, #126/214) - Out of StockLucario - 14/95 (Call of Legends, #014/095) - Out of StockLucario - 14/95 (Cracked Ice Holo, #014/095) - Holofoil - Out of StockLucario - 67/156 (SM Ultra Prism, #067/156) - Out of StockLugia - 29/115 (EX Unseen Forces, #029/115) - Holofoil - $30 - Out of StockLugia - 78/124 (XY Fates Collide, #078/124) - Holofoil - $2.5 - Out of StockLunala - 61/145 (Cracked Ice Holo, #061/145) - Holofoil - $1 - 1 In StockLuxray - 46/122 (Cracked Ice Holo, #046/122) - Holofoil - $1 - Out of StockLuxray - 46/99 (#046/099) - Out of StockLuxray - 5/99 (#005/099) - Out of StockLuxray - 62/192 (#062/192) - Out of StockLycanroc - 76/131 (SM Forbidden Light, #076/131) - Holofoil - $0.35 - Out of StockLycanroc - 76/147 (Cracked Ice Holo, #076/147) - Holofoil - Out of StockMachamp - 46/111 (XY Furious Fists, #046/111) - $1.5 - Out of StockMachamp - 8/102 (#008/102) - 1st Edition Holofoil - $13 - Out of StockMachamp - 8/102 (Base Set Shadowless, #008/102) - 1st Edition Holofoil - $60 - Out of StockMagearna (#128/185) - Out of StockMagmortar - 16/95 (Call of Legends, #016/95) - $1.5 - 1 In StockMagmortar - 31/132 (Secret Wonders, #031/132) - Holofoil - $2 - 1 In StockMagneton - 38/108 (XY Evolutions, #038/108) - Out of StockMagnezone (#107/189) - $0.35 - Out of StockMagnezone (Team Plasma) - 46/135 (#046/135) - Out of StockMagnezone - 36/131 (Prerelease Kit Exclusive, #036/131) - Out of StockMagnezone - 54/162 (XY BREAKthrough, #054/162) - $0.5 - Out of StockMagnezone - 83/156 (Prerelease Kit Exclusive, #083/156) - Out of StockMamoswine - 5/102 (#005/102) - $1.25 - Out of StockMamoswine - 5/102 (Cracked Ice Holo, #005/102) - Holofoil - $2 - Out of StockMamoswine - 9/146 (DP Legends Awakened, #009/146) - Out of StockManaphy - 56/160 (Battle Arena Deck Exclusive, #056/160) - $1 - Out of StockManectric - 61/160 (XY Primal Clash, #061/160) - Out of StockManectric - 7/106 (#007/106) - Out of StockMarnie (#169/202) - $0.25 - 32 In StockMeganium - 26/123 (Cosmos Holo, #026/123) - Holofoil - $6 - 1 In StockMeganium - 26/123 (Cracked Ice Holo, #026/123) - Holofoil - $3.5 - Out of StockMeganium - 9/115 (EX Unseen Forces, #009/115) - $2 - Out of StockMeloetta - 77/149 (Boundaries Crossed, #077/149) - Out of StockMeowstic - 43/106 (XY Flashfire, #043/106) - Holofoil - $1 - 1 In StockMetagross - 10/146 (DP Legends Awakened, #010/146) - $1 - Out of StockMetagross - 11/101 (EX Hidden Legends, #011/101) - $1 - Out of StockMetagross - 4/95 (Cracked Ice Holo, #004/095) - Holofoil - Out of StockMetagross - 49/98 (XY Ancient Origins, #049/098) - Holofoil - $2 - Out of StockMetagross - 95/168 (Prerelease Kit Exclusive, #095/168) - $0.5 - Out of StockMetal Energy (2013 Unnumbered) - Out of StockMetal Energy (2013 Unnumbered) - Holofoil - $4 - Out of StockMew - 53/108 (XY Evolutions, #053/108) - $9 - Out of StockMew - 76/214 (#076/214) - $2 - Out of StockMewtwo - 51/108 (Cracked Ice Holo, #051/108) - Holofoil - $5 - Out of StockMewtwo - 75/214 (SM Unbroken Bonds, Cracked Ice Holo) (#075/214) - Holofoil - $6 - Out of StockMightyena - 18/108 (Cosmos Holo, #018/108) - Holofoil - $4 - Out of StockMilotic - 23/106 (XY Flashfire, #023/106) - $1.5 - Out of StockMilotic - 28/124 (#028/124) - Out of StockMilotic - 44/160 (XY Primal Clash, #044/160) - $0.5 - Out of StockMilotic C - 35/147 (DPPt Supreme Victors, #035/147) - Holofoil - $2 - Out of StockMimikyu - 58/145 (SM Guardians Rising, #058/145) - Out of StockMiraidon (#080/198) - Out of StockMiraidon (#121/162) - Out of StockMismagius - 5/95 (HGSS Unleashed, #005/095) - $2 - Out of StockMoltres (#021/172) - $0.25 - Out of StockMoltres - 38/214 (Cracked Ice Holo, #038/214) - Holofoil - $2 - 1 In StockMorpeko (#121/182) - Out of StockMudsdale - 76/145 (Prerelease Kit Exclusive, #076/145) - Out of StockMunkidori (#095/167) - $0.25 - 3 In StockN (Supporter) (#BW100) - $1.5 - Out of StockNaganadel (SM Lost Thunder, #108/214) - $0.75 - Out of StockNecrozma (Cracked Ice Holo, #101/236) - Holofoil - Out of StockNidoking - 45/108 (XY Evolutions, #045/108) - Out of StockNidoking - 6/102 (#006/102) - Out of StockNidoking - 6/102 (Cracked Ice Holo, #006/102) - Holofoil - $4 - Out of StockNinetales - 15/108 (XY Evolutions, Non-Holo) (#015/108) - Out of StockNinetales - 17/95 (Call of Legends, #017/095) - Out of StockNoctowl - 8/123 (HeartGold & SoulSilver, #008/123) - Out of StockNoivern (XY BREAKthrough, #112/162) - Holofoil - $0.5 - Out of StockOctillery (#037/163) - $1 - Out of StockOctillery - 33/162 (XY Breakthrough, #033/162) - $1 - Out of StockOkidogi (#111/167) - Out of StockOranguru (#148/202) - $0.35 - 3 In StockOranguru (SM Base Set, #113/149) - $0.5 - Out of StockOrthworm (#151/193) - Out of StockPalafin (#062/197) - Out of StockPalkia - 26/106 (Cosmos Holo, #026/106) - Holofoil - Out of StockPangoro - 68/111 (Cracked Ice Holo, #068/111) - Holofoil - $1.5 - Out of StockPawmot (#076/198) - Out of StockPikachu - 28/73 (Cracked Ice Holo, #028/073) - Holofoil - $2.5 - Out of StockPikachu - 35/108 (Cracked Ice Holo, #035/108) - Holofoil - $5 - Out of StockPokeNav - 88/109 (#088/109) - Out of StockPoliwrath - 25/108 (XY Evolutions, #025/108) - Out of StockPorygon-Z - 6/106 (#006/106) - Out of StockPrimarina (Cracked Ice Holo, #041/149) - Holofoil - Out of StockProfessor's Research (#147/172) - $0.25 - Out of StockProfessor's Research (#178/202) - $0.25 - 157 In StockProfessor's Research (#189/198) - $0.25 - Out of StockProfessor's Research (#190/198) - $0.25 - 4 In StockProfessor's Research (Cosmos Holo, #060/072) - Holofoil - $0.25 - 31 In StockProfessor's Research (Holofoil, #060/072) - Holofoil - $0.35 - Out of StockPsychic Energy (2013 Unnumbered) - Out of StockPsychic Energy (2013 Unnumbered) - Holofoil - $1 - Out of StockPsychic Energy (2017 Unnumbered, Wave Foil) - Reverse Holofoil - $5 - 5 In StockPyroar - 12/119 (XY Phantom Forces, #012/119) - Out of StockQuaquaval (#054/198) - Out of StockRaichu - 10/123 (Cracked Ice Holo, #010/123) - Holofoil - Out of StockRaichu - 36/108 (XY Evolutions, #036/108) - Out of StockRaichu - 43/146 (Battle Arena Deck Exclusive, #043/146) - Out of StockRaichu - 49/162 (XY BREAKthrough, Cracked Ice Holo) (#049/162) - Holofoil - $1 - Out of StockRaikou - 32/73 (Let's Play, Pikachu!, Cracked Ice Holo) (#032/073) - Holofoil - $1 - Out of StockRaikou - 79/214 (SM Lost Thunder, #079/214) - Holofoil - $3.75 - Out of StockRampardos - 33/123 (Cosmos Holo, #033/123) - Holofoil - $2 - Out of StockRapidash (#022/195) - Out of StockRayquaza - 22/107 (#022/107) - Holofoil - Out of StockRed's Challenge (SM - Unbroken Bonds, #184/214) - $0.25 - 7 In StockRegieleki (#060/203) - $0.5 - Out of StockRegigigas - 37/146 (DP Legends Awakened, #037/146) - Holofoil - Out of StockRegirock - 40/98 (XY Ancient Origins, #040/098) - Holofoil - $1.5 - Out of StockRelicanth (#084/162) - Out of StockReshiram - 21/99 (Next Destinies, #021/099) - Holofoil - Out of StockRevavroom (#142/198) - Out of StockRhyperior - 67/147 (SM Burning Shadows, #067/147) - Out of StockRhyperior E4 - 32/111 (DPPt Rising Rivals, #032/111) - Holofoil - Out of StockRillaboom (#014/202) - $0.75 - Out of StockRillaboom (Cracked Ice Holo, #015/202) - Holofoil - $1.5 - Out of StockRosa (#204/236) - $2.5 - Out of StockSalamence - 57/108 (#057/108) - Out of StockSalazzle - 47/111 (SM Crimson Invasion, #047/111) - Out of StockSamurott - 31/114 (#031/114) - Out of StockSamurott - 31/114 (Cracked Ice Holo, #031/114) - Holofoil - $2 - Out of StockSamurott - 41/149 (BW Boundaries Crossed, #041/149) - Out of StockSawsbuck - 16/236 (Prerelease Kit Exclusive, #016/236) - Out of StockSceptile - 10/100 (DP Stormfront, #010/100) - Out of StockSceptile - 10/106(EX Emerald, #010/106) - Out of StockSceptile - 10/168 (SM Celestial Storm, #010/168) - Holofoil - $2.5 - Out of StockScolipede - 40/98 (BW Emerging Powers, #040/098) - Holofoil - $1.75 - Out of StockScrafty - 74/99(Next Destinies, #074/099) - Out of StockSerperior - 5/114 (Cracked Ice Holo, #005/114) - Holofoil - Out of StockSerperior - 5/114 (Green Tornado Theme Deck Exclusive, #005/114) - Out of StockShaymin - 38/127 (DPPt Platinum, #038/127) - Holofoil - $3.5 - Out of StockShedinja - 14/107 (#014/107) - Out of StockShiinotic - 17/149 (SM Base Set, #017/149) - Out of StockSigilyph - 52/124 (#052/124) - Out of StockSilvally (SM Unified Minds, #184/236) - Out of StockSlowbro (#13/115) - Out of StockSlowking - 21/122 (XY BREAKpoint, #021/122) - $1 - Out of StockSlurpuff - 95/146 (XY Base Set, #095/146) - Out of StockSolgaleo - 87/145 (SM Guardians Rising, #087/145) - Holofoil - $1 - Out of StockSolgaleo - 87/145 (Water Web Holo, #087/145) - Holofoil - Out of StockSteelix (#139/264) - $0.25 - Out of StockSteelix - 24/95 (HGSS Unleashed, #024/095) - Holofoil - Out of StockStonjourner (#111/192) - Out of StockSuicune - 37/189 (#037/189) - Out of StockSwalot - 9/99 (DPPt Arceus, #009/099) - Out of StockSwampert - 11/106 (EX Emerald, #011/106) - Out of StockSwampert - 12/147 (DPPt Supreme Victors, #012/147) - Out of StockSwampert - 27/100 (EX Crystal Guardians, #027/100) - Holofoil - $12 - Out of StockSwampert - 35/168 (SM Celestial Storm, #035/168) - Holofoil - $7 - Out of StockSwellow - 72/108 (XY Roaring Skies, #072/108) - Out of StockSwitch (No E-Reader, #92/109) - Out of StockSwitch - 92/109 (#092/109) - Out of StockSylveon - 72/111 (XY Furious Fists, #072/111) - Holofoil - $25 - Out of StockTalonflame - 10/119 (XY Phantom Forces, #010/119) - Holofoil - $1.5 - Out of StockTangrowth - 10/99 (DPPt Arceus, #010/099) - $1.75 - Out of StockTangrowth - 34/95 (Call of Legends, #034/095) - Holofoil - $4 - Out of StockTapu Bulu (#016/163) - $0.25 - 3 In StockTapu Koko (Prerelease Kit Exclusive, #061/189) - Out of StockTeam Aqua's Kyogre - 3/95 (EX Team Magma vs Team Aqua, #003/095) - $3 - Out of StockTeam Magma's Groudon - 9/95 (EX Team Magma vs Team Aqua, #009/095) - $1.5 - Out of StockThundurus - 50/113 (BW Legendary Treasures, #050/113) - Out of StockThundurus - 52/198 (#052/198) - Out of StockTinkaton (#105/193) - $0.25 - 15 In StockTogekiss (#085/197) - Out of StockTogekiss - 9/90 (HGSS Undaunted, #009/090) - Out of StockTorterra (#008/172) - $0.5 - Out of StockToxtricity (#072/197) - Out of StockType: Null - 89/111 (SM Crimson Invasion, #089/111) - Out of StockTyphlosion - 17/115 (EX Unseen Forces, #017/115) - $5 - Out of StockTyphlosion - 32/123 (Cosmos Holo, #032/123) - Holofoil - Out of StockTyphlosion - 32/123 (Cracked Ice Holo, #032/123) - Holofoil - $7 - Out of StockTyranitar - 26/95 (HGSS Unleashed, #026/095) - Holofoil - $25 - 1 In StockTyranitar - 30/100 (DP Stormfront, #030/100) - Holofoil - $3 - Out of StockUmbreon - 10/90 (#010/090) - $9 - Out of StockUmbreon - 10/90 (Cracked Ice Holo, #010/090) - Holofoil - $24 - Out of StockUmbreon - 64/116 (#064/116) - Out of StockUmbreon V (Non-Holo, #094/203) - Out of StockVenomoth - 11/102 (HGSS Triumphant, #011/102) - Out of StockVenusaur (DPPt Supreme Victors, #013/147) - Out of StockVenusaur (Secret Wonders, #020/132) - $3 - Out of StockVenusaur - 28/100 (EX Crystal Guardians, #028/100) - Holofoil - $27 - 1 In StockVictini - 15/101 (BW Noble Victories, #015/101) - $0.5 - Out of StockVictini - 23/113 (BW Legendary Treasures, #023/113) - $0.5 - Out of StockVictreebel - 3/111 (XY Furious Fists, #003/111) - $0.75 - Out of StockVileplume - 3/149 (BW Boundaries Crossed, #003/149) - $2 - Out of StockVileplume - 6/147 (Prerelease Kit Exclusive, #006/147) - $1 - 2 In StockVirizion - 12/98 (#012/098) - Out of StockVirizion - 15/113 (#015/113) - Out of StockVolcanion - 25/114 (Cracked Ice Holo, #025/114) - Holofoil - $1 - Out of StockVolcanion - 25/214 (#025/214) - $0.5 - 6 In StockVolcarona - 13/101 (BW Plasma Blast, #013/101) - Holofoil - $1.25 - Out of StockWater Energy (2013 Unnumbered) - Out of StockWater Energy (2013 Unnumbered) - Holofoil - $1 - 8 In StockWeezing - 58/135 (BW Plasma Storm, #058/135) - $0.75 - Out of StockWhite Kyurem (BW Boundaries Crossed, #102/149) - Holofoil - Out of StockWhite Kyurem - 21/124 (XY Fates Collide, #021/124) - Out of StockWyrdeer (#069/189) - Out of StockXatu (Non-Holo, #072/182) - $0.5 - Out of StockXerneas (XY BREAKthrough, #107/162) - $1 - Out of StockXerneas - 96/146 (Cracked Ice Holo, #096/146) - Holofoil - $1.5 - Out of StockYanmega - 17/146 (DP Legends Awakened, #017/146) - $0.75 - 1 In StockYveltal - 78/146 (Cracked Ice Holo, #078/146) - Holofoil - Out of StockZacian (#136/182) - Out of StockZacian (Cracked Ice Holo, #139/192) - Holofoil - Out of StockZamazenta (Cracked Ice Holo, #140/192) - Holofoil - $2.5 - Out of StockZapdos - 23/108 (XY Roaring Skies, #023/108) - Holofoil - $2 - 1 In StockZapdos - 40/181 (#040/181) - $0.5 - Out of StockZapdos - 46/113 (BW Legendary Treasures, #046/113) - Out of StockZekrom - 50/99 (Next Destinies, #050/099) - Holofoil - Out of StockZeraora - 60/214 (SM Unbroken Bonds, Cracked Ice Holo) (#060/214) - Holofoil - Out of StockZoroark (#103/203) - $0.5 - Out of StockZoroark - 71/108 (Cracked Ice Holo, #071/108) - Holofoil - Out of StockZoroark - 71/114 (#071/114) - $2 - Out of StockZoroark - 90/113 (#090/113) - Out of StockZoroark - 91/162 (XY BREAKthrough, #091/162) - $0.5 - Out of StockZygarde - 53/124 (XY Fates Collide, #053/124) - Holofoil - $1 - Out of Stock