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Boxing Week Sale
Base Set (Unlimited)
Abra (#043/102) - $0.5 - 29 In Stock
Alakazam (#001/102) - Holofoil - $75 - 2 In Stock
Arcanine (#023/102) - $2.5 - 26 In Stock
Beedrill (#017/102) - $4 - 12 In Stock
Bill (#091/102) - $0.25 - Out of Stock
Blastoise (#002/102) - Holofoil - $220 - Out of Stock
Bulbasaur (#044/102) - $2 - 52 In Stock
Caterpie (#045/102) - $1 - 7 In Stock
Chansey (#003/102) - Holofoil - $50 - 2 In Stock
Charizard (#004/102) - Holofoil - $600 - Out of Stock
Charmander (#046/102) - $3 - 21 In Stock
Charmeleon (#024/102) - $1.5 - 12 In Stock
Clefairy (#005/102) - Holofoil - $36 - 2 In Stock
Clefairy Doll (#070/102) - $5 - 5 In Stock
Computer Search (#071/102) - $4 - Out of Stock
Defender (#080/102) - $1 - 2 In Stock
Devolution Spray (#072/102) - $4 - 1 In Stock
Dewgong (#025/102) - $2 - 3 In Stock
Diglett (#047/102) - $0.5 - 10 In Stock
Doduo (#048/102) - $1 - 3 In Stock
Double Colorless Energy (#096/102) - $6 - Out of Stock
Dragonair (#018/102) - $20 - 4 In Stock
Dratini (#026/102) - $2 - 30 In Stock
Drowzee (#049/102) - $1 - 9 In Stock
Dugtrio (#019/102) - $7 - 12 In Stock
Electabuzz (#020/102) - $9 - 5 In Stock
Electrode (#021/102) - $6 - 4 In Stock
Energy Removal (#092/102) - $0.5 - 2 In Stock
Energy Retrieval (#081/102) - $0.5 - 2 In Stock
Farfetch'd (#027/102) - $1.5 - 8 In Stock
Fighting Energy (#097/102) - $0.35 - Out of Stock
Fire Energy (#098/102) - $1 - Out of Stock
Full Heal (#082/102) - $1.5 - 7 In Stock
Gastly (#050/102) - $1 - 11 In Stock
Grass Energy (#099/102) - $0.35 - Out of Stock
Growlithe (#028/102) - $1.5 - 14 In Stock
Gust of Wind (#093/102) - $0.35 - Out of Stock
Gyarados (#006/102) - Holofoil - $50 - 14 In Stock
Haunter (#029/102) - $2 - 44 In Stock
Hitmonchan (#007/102) - Holofoil - $24 - 11 In Stock
Imposter Professor Oak (#073/102) - $6 - 2 In Stock
Item Finder (#074/102) - $12 - Out of Stock
Ivysaur (#030/102) - $5 - 36 In Stock
Jynx (#031/102) - $1 - 10 In Stock
Kadabra (#032/102) - $2 - 20 In Stock
Kakuna (#033/102) - $1 - 8 In Stock
Koffing (#051/102) - $1 - 13 In Stock
Lass (#075/102) - $3 - Out of Stock
Lightning Energy (#100/102) - $1 - Out of Stock
Machoke (#034/102) - $1 - 14 In Stock
Machop (#052/102) - $0.5 - 8 In Stock
Magikarp (#035/102) - $2 - 23 In Stock
Magmar (#036/102) - $2 - 17 In Stock
Magnemite (#053/102) - $1 - 10 In Stock
Magneton (#009/102) - Holofoil - $28 - 1 In Stock
Maintenance (#083/102) - $2 - Out of Stock
Metapod (#054/102) - $1 - 7 In Stock
Mewtwo (#010/102) - Holofoil - $55 - 10 In Stock
Nidoking (#011/102) - Holofoil - $40 - 1 In Stock
Nidoran M (#055/102) - $1 - 16 In Stock
Nidorino (#037/102) - $2 - 16 In Stock
Ninetales (#012/102) - Holofoil - $35 - 21 In Stock
Onix (#056/102) - $1 - 14 In Stock
Pidgeotto (#022/102) - $10 - 15 In Stock
Pidgey (#057/102) - $1.5 - 16 In Stock
Pikachu (#058/102) - $5 - 59 In Stock
PlusPower (#084/102) - $1 - 6 In Stock
Pokedex (#087/102) - $0.5 - 3 In Stock
Pokemon Breeder (#076/102) - $8 - Out of Stock
Pokemon Center (#085/102) - $2 - 3 In Stock
Pokemon Flute (#086/102) - $2 - Out of Stock
Pokemon Trader (#077/102) - $5 - Out of Stock
Poliwag (#059/102) - $1 - 11 In Stock
Poliwhirl (#038/102) - $1.5 - 9 In Stock
Poliwrath (#013/102) - Holofoil - $32 - 4 In Stock
Ponyta (#060/102) - $1 - 15 In Stock
Porygon (#039/102) - $2 - 12 In Stock
Potion (#094/102) - $0.35 - 6 In Stock
Professor Oak (#088/102) - $1.5 - Out of Stock
Psychic Energy (#101/102) - $0.5 - Out of Stock
Raichu (#014/102) - Holofoil - $65 - 1 In Stock
Raticate (#040/102) - $2 - 24 In Stock
Rattata (#061/102) - $0.5 - 24 In Stock
Revive (#089/102) - $2 - 3 In Stock
Sandshrew (#062/102) - $1 - 6 In Stock
Scoop Up (#078/102) - $8 - Out of Stock
Seel (#041/102) - $2 - 23 In Stock
Squirtle (#063/102) - $4 - 46 In Stock
Starmie (#064/102) - $1 - 2 In Stock
Staryu (#065/102) - $1 - 4 In Stock
Super Energy Removal (#079/102) - $4 - 1 In Stock
Super Potion (#090/102) - $0.35 - 5 In Stock
Switch (#095/102) - $0.5 - Out of Stock
Tangela (#066/102) - $1 - 9 In Stock
Venusaur (#015/102) - Holofoil - $170 - Out of Stock
Voltorb (#067/102) - $2 - Out of Stock
Vulpix (#068/102) - $1 - 7 In Stock
Wartortle (#042/102) - $4 - 34 In Stock
Water Energy (#102/102) - $0.35 - Out of Stock
Weedle (#069/102) - $0.5 - Out of Stock
Zapdos (#016/102) - Holofoil - $55 - 4 In Stock